Risk Mitigation Tools

Risk to any financial plan can come in many different forms: tax exposure, investment concentration, non-diversification, death, disability, or some sort of long-term care stay. In the wealth management services listed above, we can show you how to lower your tax exposure, how to lower your investment concentration, and how to better diversify a portfolio. When it comes to the more traditional risks of death, disability, and long-term care, we like to rely on the very proven process of insuring against those risks. We have over 30 years of experience in working with insurers to protect what you care about, to cover what you work so hard for, and to help make certain that a well-crafted financial plan can remain on course when confronted with any of these risks. Our relationship with two brokers gives us access to over 30 carriers that write life insurance, disability coverage, and long-term care coverage. We welcome the opportunity to give you peace of mind when it comes to making sure that your future plans do not get derailed by an event that we can cover against.